Redemptorist students graduate in Vietnam

 Saint Alphonsus Theologate students told to rely on God for strength during their missions

Students with their diplomas at Saint Alphonsus Theologate in Vietnam. (Photo supplied)

Students have graduated at Saint Alphonsus Theologate in the Redemptorist Province of Vietnam.

The 11 students received their diplomas in a ceremony at the college in Ho Chi Minh City attended by the provincial superior, formators, professors and almost 200 students.

Father Anthony Nguyen Van Dung, dean of Saint Alphonsus Theologate, said students had faced many difficulties in the academic year.

They had to join online classes because of the Covid-19 pandemics, some became sick and others had sacrificed their studies to help the poor.

Father Joseph Do Dinh Tu, director of the college, told the graduates that they will face difficulties in their missions but they will become great chances as they realize that they cannot depend on their own strength but must rely on God.

On June 2, the province officially announced the candidates who will profess their first vows (11 novices), final vows (12 brothers) and be ordained to the priesthood (eight confreres) and deaconate (11 confreres).

The Mass of first and final vows will be celebrated on June 30. The Mass for the ordination of priests and deacons will be celebrated on July 1. Both Masses will take place at the Shrine of Our Mother of Perpetual Help in Ho Chi Minh City.

Trích nguồn: UCAnews - Union of Catholic Asian News ( 

Redemptorist students graduate in Vietnam

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